Thursday, June 2, 2011

Bud Light Golden Wheat

Bud Light Golden Wheat
Type of beer: White Beer
Container Type: 12 oz bottle
Alcohol by volume: 4.10%
Country of origin: United States
Rating: 29% (see below)
Number of times I've had this beer: 1st
Drank From: Glass
Best for: Winter. Bigtime.
Taste: 7/20
Flavour: 7/20
Buy again: 4/20
Aroma: 4/10
Satisfaction: 4/10
Complexity: 2/10
Intangible: 1/10
Handwritten notes: What do I compare this to? Blue Moon? Rickard's White? I will tell you this: were it not for this project I would not ever, under any circumstances buy a white/wit beer. I'm sure in 3 years I'll change my tune. For now, this tastes like rotten sunflower seeds. It's great for a barbecue. Yeah... woo. I'd rather drink an Imperial Stout on a 35C day next to a blazing barbecue than this "refreshing" style. As far as white beers go, though, it's par.
Beer #470 of 3,652

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