Thursday, May 26, 2011

Empyrean Brewing Company Lunasea E.S.B.

Empyrean Brewing Company Lunasea E.S.B.
Type of beer: ESB
Container Type: 12 oz bottle
Alcohol by volume: 5.90%
Country of origin: United States
Rating: 66% (see below)
Number of times I've had this beer: 2nd
Drank From: Half Pints Glass
Best for: tilling your garden
Taste: 12/20
Flavour: 13/20
Buy again: 13/20
Aroma: 8/10
Satisfaction: 8/10
Complexity: 7/10
Intangible: 6/10
Handwritten notes: It took me a hell of a lot longer than I'm proud of to realize that Lusasea was a homophonic re-spelling of "lunacy". Very funny. Very clever. Tastes of a pretty standard ESB. That good ole roasty malt, brown sugar oatmeal with a hoppy finish. Really, much like the sharp dew-stained dark spring nights followed by the sunny, warm/cool days of spring. Good gooly, miss Molly. You sure like to ball. But don't we all, people? Don't we all?
Beer #439 of 3,652

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