Sunday, June 5, 2011

Raasted Grilløl

Raasted Grilløl
Type of beer: IPA
Container Type: 330 mL bottle
Alcohol by volume: 5.00%
Country of origin: Demark
Rating: 74% (see below)
Number of times I've had this beer: 1st
Drank From: Glass
Best for: shopping for wigs
Taste: 14/20
Flavour: 15/20
Buy again: 16/20
Aroma: 7/10
Satisfaction: 7/10
Complexity: 7/10
Intangible: 7/10
Handwritten notes: This is a super citrussy beer, lemon zest and lemon pith. I couldn't read the cockamamie language on the bottle so I assumed (looking at the flames on the bottle and the "Grill" in the title that it would be some sort of smoked offering. Danish and English have little in common so grillol could mean perineum for all I know. Turns out it's a unique take on the IPA, more sweet and lemony than I'm used to. Kinda good. No, actually good. Kinda awesome.
Beer #478 of 3,652

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