Saturday, July 17, 2010

Breckenridge Lucky U IPA

Breckenridge Lucky U IPA
Type of beer: IPA
Container Type: 355 mL bottle
Alcohol by volume: 6.20%
Country of origin: United States
Rating: 68% (see below)
Number of times I've had this beer: 3rd
Cost: $1.25
Tasted on: 7/17/10
Colours of label: Red/Gold/Tan
Drank From: HP Glass
Label Reads: “A hoppy homage to a Denver Landmark. The Tivoli Brewery. Drink up fortuitous one. Help support the Tivoli brewery preservation.”
Best for: Ironing... no, irony.
Taste: 13/20
Flavour: 14/20
Buy again: 15/20
Aroma: 7/10
Satisfaction: 8/10
Complexity: 5/10
Intangible: 6/10
Handwritten notes: Lucky me. I'm drinking this with a horrible cold on a Saturday. As far as GFIPAs go, this ain't a bad one. It has more of a sweet edge to the hops, which I prefer. The smell is sort of a butterscotch, which lingers on the lips. However, I do not believe in luck. I cannot believe that little goblins or gremlins or whatever are doing things for the benefit of some while neglecting others. Given the choice between believing in luck or quantum theory, I'd prefer the latter. Also, people who say "everything happens for a reason" need to be shot in the fucking face. What was the reason for that, you bastard!?! Did I mention I'm sick and surly?
Beer #428 of 3,652

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