Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Samuel Adams Irish Red

Samuel Adams Irish Red
Type of beer: Ale
Container Type: 335 mL bottle
Alcohol by volume: 5.5%
Country of origin: United States
Rating: 79% (see below)
Number of times I've had this beer: 1st
Cost: $1.15
Tasted on: 10/21/09
Colours of label: Green/Red/Yellow
Drank From: Glass
Label Reads: "This rich and malty ale originated in Ireland in 1710. It has a deep red color and distinctive caramel flavor from its Pale and Caramel malts. The malt sweetness is balanced by the earthy notes of East Kent Goldings hops. Cheers!"
website: www.samadams.com
Best for: staring down a squirrel
Taste: 15/20
Flavour: 16/20
Buy again: 17/20
Aroma: 9/10
Satisfaction: 7/10
Complexity: 7/10
Intangible: 8/10
Handwritten notes: Something about the smell of this beer made me thirsty. There it is, boys, a good red ale. Not hoppy, not sweet, just a nice balance with a sort of sour tang like a Vienna Lager. Vienna, Ireland - same thing, right? This I like. The real selling point for me was that the beer has an original taste. I meant to sit down and dig into the same old "Red Beer" horse hockey. Instead, I'm surprised.
Beer #325 of 3,652

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