Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Yankee Jim Ice

Yankee Jim Ice
Type of beer: Lager
Container Type: 355 mL can
Alcohol by volume: 5.5%
Country of origin: United States
Rating: 7% (see below)
Number of times I've had this beer: 1st
Cost: $1.10
Tasted on: DATE 7/20/09
Colours of label: Blue/Silver
Drank From: Mug
Label Reads: "Premium", "Ice Brewed".
website: n/a
Best for: Raising Old Glory
Taste: 2/20
Flavour: 1/20
Buy again: 1/20
Aroma: 0/10
Satisfaction: 2/10
Complexity: 0/10
Intangible: 1/10
Handwritten notes: Someone needs to enlighten me as to what the flark this beer company is all about. Never, in all my travels, have I seen this brand. I went to Kenora Ontario, and found about 6 varieties of this Yankee Jim stuff. They certainly aren't winning me over with their two-tone discount packaging. And they certainly aren't winning me over with their crappy beer. I thought long and hard about what to write for this beer and all I could come up with is "gross".
Beer #226 of 3,652

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