Sunday, June 28, 2009


Type of beer: Malt Liquor
Container Type: 355 mL bottle
Alcohol by volume: 5.5%
Country of origin: United States
Rating: 9% (see below)
Number of times I've had this beer: 6 or 7
Cost: $1.70
Tasted on: 6/21/09
Colours of label: Green/White/Gold
Drank From: Bottle
Label Reads: n/a
Best for: hot air balloon rides
Taste: 1/20
Flavour: 1/20
Buy again: 0/20
Aroma: 1/10
Satisfaction: 5/10
Complexity: 0/10
Intangible: 1/10
Handwritten notes: Up next on the screw-top cavalcade... Mickey's. I though of pouring this into a glass for the picture, but that would defeat the purpose of Mickey's. This sick concoction of witch's tears and baby vomit should never be consumed by anyone. I actually had a hard time drinking this, and my gullet is pretty forgiving. This was perhaps the hardest beer I`ve ever had to physically force down the chute. It goes out of its way to be crude and crass. Like a hairy-backed man walking down the street shirtless on a sizzling summer day, this beer is fucking disgusting, and, like the ape-man, it doesn't seem to care.
Beer #198 of 3,652

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