Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Corona Light

Corona Light
Type of beer: Light Lager
Container Type: 330 mL bottle
Alcohol volume: 3.7%
Country of origin: Mexico
Rating: 6% (see below)
Number of times I've had this beer: 1st
Cost: $1.75
Tasted on: 5/12/09
Colours of label: Yellow/White/Blue
Drank From: bottle
Label Reads: "Imported Light Beer"
website: www.corona.com/
Best for: If some terrorist was holding your close relative hostage and demanded that the only way you could set them free was by drinking this, AND the terrorist had already proven he was serious by killing two of your other close relatives. But only then.
Taste: 1/20
Flavour: 1/20
Buy again: 0/20
Aroma: 1/10
Satisfaction: 1/10
Complexity: 1/10
Intangible: 1/10
Handwritten notes: Worse than Corona and Hitler.
Beer #137 of 3,652

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