Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Carlsberg Lite

Carlsberg Lite
Type of beer: Light Lager
Container Type: 500 mL can
Alcohol volume: 4.0%
Country of origin: Denmark
Rating: 57% (see below)
Number of times I've had this beer: 1st
Cost: $2.95
Tasted on: 5/9/09
Colours of label: Green/White/Gold
Drank From: chilled mug
Label Reads: "Probably the best light beer in the world", "By appointment to the Royal Danish Court".
website: http://www.carlsberg.com/
Best for: the not so popular Danish diet
Taste: 12/20
Flavour: 10/20
Buy again: 10/20
Aroma: 7/10
Satisfaction: 6/10
Complexity: 6/10
Intangible: 6/10
Handwritten notes: I'm pretty brain-smart, but I'm not sure I even understand the concept of "light beer". So, you want to lose weight, but you still need to drink the exact same amount of booze. Is that it? The whole idea is ludicrous to me, as is spelling light: "lite"... why not just drink 20% less, but drink good beer? Whew, my brain hurts... this, unlike most other light beers I've come across in my travels, carries it's daddy's flavour profile very well. It might even be a little better in a few ways. The Carlsberg review says that I preferred Carlsberg's taste better as it warmed. This is the exact opposite effect, its peak flavour is when cold, following which the "lite decline" happens quite rapidly.
Beer #139 of 3,652


the said...

This guy knows nothing about beer and neither do I.

Bard said...

Agreed. The first step towards enlightenment is admitting you know nothing. Or something stupid like that.

the said...

This guy knows everything about beer and so do I.

Bard said...

Agreed. We are geniuses. They modeled most of the characters on "Head of the Class" after you and I.