Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Type: Stout
Container Type: 500ml can/pint
Alcohol volume: 4.2%
Country of origin: Ireland
Rating: 90% (see below)
Number of times I've had this type: 50+
Cost: $3.50 can, $7.00 pint
Tasted on: 4/7/09 and 4/9/09
Colours of label: Black/White/Gold
Drank From: glass
Label Reads: "Brewed in Ireland", "Beer-Serve extra cold".
Best for: smacking around the wife
Taste: 17/20
Flavour: 19/20
Buy again: 18/20
Aroma: 8/10
Satisfaction: 10/10
Complexity: 8/10
Intangible: 10/10

Handwritten notes: This includes a draft version at the local... how do I describe this in a way that hasn't already been described? That's like describing the taste of a Big Mac to a fat guy... smooth, tinny, coffee and chocolate... (nubile? Does that say nubile? I bet no one ever called Guinness nubile before.)... the draft version is infinitely better. This one time I went to some faux Irish pub and they were just pouring Guinness like they were pouring a Budweiser. I never went there again.
Beer #114 of 3,652


Anonymous said...

This is a double #59

Bard said...

Let's make it #114 then. I know it distorts the laws of time but this blog is a black hole wherein time stops (so says Einstein). I don't know. Thanks kid.