Saturday, June 11, 2011

Russell Blood Alley ESB

Russell Blood Alley ESB
Type of beer: ESB
Container Type: 650 mL bottle
Alcohol by volume: 5.50%
Country of origin: Canada
Rating: 78% (see below)
Number of times I've had this beer: 1st
Drank From: Bears
Best for: Eating tofu
Taste: 15/20
Flavour: 16/20
Buy again: 15/20
Aroma: 8/10
Satisfaction: 8/10
Complexity: 8/10
Intangible: 8/10
Handwritten notes: A slightly bitter ESB (the bottle says 50 IBU), leaving a musing of aftertaste of Canadian hops and malt. This is an almost perfect Canadian (decidedly Canadian tasting) ESB. That brown sugar tenderness is there, before and after the hop lovin'. I'm having deja vu. Have I used this phrase before? I love that feeling. I can't remember what I did yesterday, but I feel like I'm remembering shit that never happened. This beer is worth the $6.50 price tag any day, God bless you Russell, whoever you are.
Beer #488 of 3,652

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