Thursday, January 14, 2010

It's a Stalemate, Boys

Well, it's been day "who the fuck knows how many" and no new beers have cropped up in old Manitoba.

I have 6 reviews to do, but I'm sure as fuck not going to sit here posting them drinking Standard Lager. That's bush league.

I've already thought ahead to traveling South, East, or West to bring home some new beers. I've booked my bro for a beer run to Ontario, but not till April. I guess at this point I have no choice but to wait for the beer fairy to spread her wings over my hometown.

By the way, everytime a can opens, a beer fairy get his wings. That's right. That's right. Atta boy, Clarence.



Brandon said...

That's a shame. You should move to the states and you'd have more options.

Mr. Furious said...

Get back on your horse man!

Bard said...

I once knew a guy named Saul Horseman.

Nah, but I'll be back soon.