Monday, August 17, 2009


Type of beer: Canadian Pilsner
Container Type: 341 mL bottle
Alcohol by volume: 5.0%
Country of origin: Canada
Rating: 25% (see below)
Number of times I've had this beer: 350
Cost: $1.50
Tasted on: 7/28/09
Colours of label: Green/Red/Yellow
Drank From: Pilsner glass
Label Reads: "After the famous Old Style formula".
Best for: waiting for Tron
Taste: 5/20
Flavour: 4/20
Buy again: 6/20
Aroma: 1/10
Satisfaction: 3/10
Complexity: 1/10
Intangible: 5/10
Handwritten notes: I don't think that any place could be further from Pilsen, Czech Republic than Winnipeg, Manitoba. This beer makes up for its unflinching macro taste with a bunch of cockamamie pictures on the label. There is some bold and noble history behind the label, but it's incredibly dull. I can say without exaggeration that this is the first and only time I have poured this beer into a glass. Really though, for a big time Molson-brewed beer, this could be worse. When I think Canadian beer I don't think Blue or Canadian, I think Pil.
Beer #247 of 3,652


I_Forgot_My_Pass_Big_Fellah said...

Ya Pil. Your in Pil Country now!

Bard said...

Calm down.

Go Steelers said...

Ok beer snob you turn your back on blue collar drinkin' kind now?

Bard said...

Would you just... take it easy, man?