Monday, August 17, 2009

Fuller's London Porter

Fuller's London Porter
Type of beer: Porter
Container Type: 500 mL can
Alcohol by volume: 5.4%
Country of origin: England
Rating: 74% (see below)
Number of times I've had this beer: 1st
Cost: $3.00
Tasted on: 7/29/09
Colours of label: Brown/Gold/Red
Drank From: Glass

Label Reads: "This historic style of beer has a smooth, rich chocolatey character, which makes London Porter a fine after-dinner drink", "Rich, dark, and complex".
Best for: self-publishing a book of photographs of ugly children
Taste: 15/20
Flavour: 15/20
Buy again: 14/20
Aroma: 7/10
Satisfaction: 8/10
Complexity: 8/10
Intangible: 7/10
Handwritten notes: A smoky and loverly beer. I ain't a porter guy... I'm not even a stevedore guy, to be honest, but this hits the spot. It's got a tinny coffee flavour like you'd have around an Old West campfire. Perhaps the reason I can't completely get into this beer is because it is "rich, dark, and complex", which is exactly what I am not.
Beer #248 of 3,652

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