Sunday, July 19, 2009

Labatt Lite

Labatt Lite
Type of beer: Light Lager
Container Type: 355 mL can
Alcohol by volume: 4.0%
Country of origin: Canada
Rating: 4% (see below)
Number of times I've had this beer: 12+
Cost: $1.50
Tasted on: 7/9/09
Colours of label: Blue/White/Silver
Drank From: Glass
Label Reads: "Light Beer"
Best for: cleaning up your workshop
Taste: 1/20
Flavour: 1/20
Buy again: 1/20
Aroma: 0/10
Satisfaction: 0/10
Complexity: 0/10
Intangible: 1/10
Handwritten notes: Enough with the light macros. Do you see the sacrifices I make for this blog? This piece of work is the favourite of working stiffs whose wives have asked them to cut back on their drinkin'. Sure, they still drink the same amount, but it's lower alcohol. This particular Canadian macro maintains the gross Labatt Blue tin wash-bin and Clorox taste beneath the diluted body. I once knew a guy who only drank Lab Lite mixed with water, half of each. I know the theory behind the practice, but anyone I know who has ever tried this has ended up feeling worse the next day.
Beer #213 of 3,652

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