Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fort Garry Folkloarma Beer

Fort Garry Folklorama Beer
Type of beer: Ale
Container Type: 473 mL Can
Alcohol by volume: 5.0%
Country of origin: Canada
Rating: 68% (see below)
Number of times I've had this beer: 1st
Cost: $2.25
Tasted on: 7/2/09
Colours of label: Orange/Yellow/Blue
Drank From: Mug
Label Reads: "forty years of celebrating diversity", "Fort Garry's Folklorama beer is craft brewed in small batches and naturally aged without preservatives. Fort Garry Brewing Company uses only the finest ingredients for superior quality and taste."
Best for: anything except watching "All in the Family"
Taste: 12/20
Flavour: 13/20
Buy again: 14/20
Aroma: 7/10
Satisfaction: 7/10
Complexity: 8/10
Intangible: 7/10
Handwritten notes: Folklorama is a yearly festival in Winnipeg that features several dozens of "pavilions" around town where you can go, learn about other cultures, see their dances and costumes, hear their music, see their art, and eat their food. I've never been, which puts me in the vast minority in my city. And as a minority I would invite this city to visit my pavilion (which would consist of watching me play xbox, drinking a few beers, and eating homemade smoked brisket). Anyhoo, this is a straight up ale with a sour sort of balsamic taste to it. It is not at all unappealing, but complex and interesting. I can appreciate the symbolism in this beer. I feel the swirl of balsamic vinegar and exotic spices and I wish Fort Garry made this all-year round.
Beer #203 of 3,652

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