Type of beer: Lager
Container Type: 710 mL plastic bottle
Alcohol by volume: 5.0%
Country of origin: Canada
Rating: 26% (see below)
Number of times I've had this beer: good Lord.
Cost: $2.95
Tasted on: 6/14/09
Colours of label: Maroon/Green/Tan
Drank From: Straight out the bottle, boy-o
Label Reads: "Craft brewed with natural ingredients", "Manitoba Beer".
website: www.fortgarry.com
Best for: road trips
Taste: 4/20
Flavour: 4/20
Buy again: 11/20
Aroma: 2/10
Satisfaction: 4/10
Complexity: 1/10
Intangible: 0/10
Handwritten notes: To pour this swill into a glass would contradict its r'aison d'etre. It has a screw-top, for goodness sake. This beer was made to be cheap. When it first came out its sole marketing ploy was that it was $2 (even). I see a lot of dusty looking gentlemen buying this beer. And no one ever just buys one. You buy at least two because you're not purchasing it to enjoy the robust taste. I can guess that its current appeal is that you can drink it while driving. Twist off the cap, slam a slug, cap it off, and put it back under the seat. They should call it DUI Lager. But really this beer is crap and it knows it. It outshines macro brews without meaning to do so, though. I am thoroughly convinced that this beer is made entirely out of the remnants at the bottom of the barrels. There is a sour sort of taste, like the mucous you cough up when you're really sick.
---------------------------------------------Beer #192 of 3,652
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