Sunday, May 24, 2009

Miller High Life

Miller High Life
Type of beer: Lager
Container Type: 355 mL bottle
Alcohol volume: 4.7%
Country of origin: United States
Rating: 20% (see below)
Number of times I've had this beer: 100 or so
Cost: $1.00 (USD)
Tasted on: 5/23/09
Colours of label: Gold/White/Red
Drank From: Mug
Label Reads: "The Champagne of Beers"
Best for: sharpening pencils
Taste: 3/20
Flavour: 2/20
Buy again: 10/20
Aroma: 1/10
Satisfaction: 2/10
Complexity: 0/10
Intangible: 2/10
Handwritten notes: Sadly, inexplicably, this is probably the best US macro I've tried... tastes faintly of cheap Canadian beer... yet I have an aversion to this brand. Perhaps it's the girl in the moon, perhaps it's the use of the words "high" and "champagne" on the label (neither of which are apt adjectives).
Beer #149 of 3,652

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