Friday, May 8, 2009

Great Western Pilsner

Great Western Pilsner
Type of beer: Pilsner, I guess
Container Type: 355 mL can
Alcohol volume: 5.0%
Country of origin: Canada
Rating: 20% (see below)
Number of times I've had this beer: 10-12
Cost: $1.40
Tasted on: 4/6/09
Colours of label: Green/White/Red/Gold/Black/Salmon
Drank From: pointless glass
Label Reads: "Gold Medal Winner", "Monde Selection Quality Excellence Award", "Congratulations. You now have in your hands a refreshing, smooth and well-balanced premium beer made with the finest Saskatchewan barley. On behalf of the men and women who carefully craft Great Western right here on the prairies, thank you for choosing our beer. Cheers".
Best for: playing Frisbee with your shadow
Taste: 4/20
Flavour: 2/20
Buy again: 4/20
Aroma: 2/10
Satisfaction: 5/10
Complexity: 1/10
Intangible: 2/10
Handwritten notes: This beer in many ways typifies my hatred for the Canadian beer drinker... it is 5.0% alcohol. Of course. Heaven forfend it be anything else. They call it a pilsner... if my Czech buddy were here he would be appalled... oh, but it won the "quality excellence award"... that sounds like vaguely Japanese bullshit to me... but, sir, congratulations for buying such a premium product... premium is a meaningless word (as it appears "Pilnser" is in Canada)... honestly, folks, this company offers macro-brewery flavoured beer at a price somewhere between cheap-ass beer and macro prices. END OF STORY.
Beer #126 of 3,652

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