Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Newcastle Brown Ale

Newcastle Brown Ale
Type: Ale
Container Type: 330 mL bottle
Alcohol volume: 4.7%
Country of origin: England
Rating: 72% (see below)
Number of times I've had this type: 2nd
Cost: $2.40
Tasted on: 3/31/09
Colours of bottle: Yellow/Red/Blue/White
Drank From: stumpy glass
Label Reads: "It's well known that Newcastle Brown Ale is full of flavour and remarkably smooth. What's less known is that starting in 1925, it took three long years for Colonel J. Porter to create the brand's distinctive recipe. When first exhibited, Newcastle Brown Ale swept the board at the prestigious 1928 international Brewery Awards. Proud of the achievement, we still feature the Gold medals on our label to this day".
Best for: sneaking into an opera
Taste: 16/20
Flavour: 16/20
Buy again: 12/20
Aroma: 7/10
Satisfaction: 7/10
Intangible: 6/10
Complexity 8/10

Handwritten notes: caramelly... sugary?... nice though... smooth.
Beer #31 of 3,652

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