Thursday, April 16, 2009


Type: white beer ("witbier")
Container Type: 330 mL bottle
Alcohol volume: 4.9%
Country of origin: Belgium
Rating: 78% (see below)
Number of times I've had this type: 6
Cost: $2.30
Tasted on: 4/13/09
Colours of label: Silver/Blue/White
Drank From: glass (not pictured)
Label Reads: "A delicious and surprisingly refreshing taste. Naturally cloudy and brewed using a unique recipe".
Best for: sitting on a balcony on the first warm day of the year (true story)
Taste: 15/20
Flavour: 14/20
Buy again: 15/20
Aroma: 8/10
Satisfaction: 7/10
Complexity: 10/10
Intangible: 9/10
Handwritten notes: How to describe a truly unique thing? Step 1: try it yourself. Tastes like Djarum Blacks.... a very good and refreshing novelty beer. I could not in a million years see buying a 6 of this and drinking it in the course of a night. It just wouldn't happen. You'd be two or three into it and realize that it's a no go. That's not to say it's bad, quite the opposite. .. but I award originality and this is as unique as they come. I like two things on the label: 1) they describe their product as "surprisingly" refreshing. 2) there's a little diagram showing you how to pour it properly. Yes.
Beer #79 of 3,652

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