Saturday, June 12, 2010

Breckenridge Agave Wheat

Breckenridge Agave Wheat
Type of beer: Wheat Ale
Container Type: 355 mL bottle
Alcohol by volume: 4.20%
Country of origin: United States
Rating: 68% (see below)
Number of times I've had this beer: 1st
Cost: $1.25
Tasted on: 6/11/10
Colours of label: Brown/Tan/Red
Drank From: HP Glass
Label Reads: "Wheat Ale brewed with Agave nectar".
Best for: pushing pencils
Taste: 14/20
Flavour: 13/20
Buy again: 16/20
Aroma: 6/10
Satisfaction: 6/10
Complexity: 6/10
Intangible: 7/10
Handwritten notes: A murky-ass wheat beer whose appearance belies its real taste. I fully expected a lemon and banana fruit salad but instead this is a somewhat bitter beer brewed with... agave? I'm pretty sure I've never seen, never mind tasted an agave plant. Having tasted aloe I would assume that agave adds some of the same bitterness. I could be talking out of my ass, who knows? For sure I know that there is something unique about the bitterness in this baby. All tolled, this beer tastes little like a wheat beer, but something worth trying to celebrate your 25 cent per hour raise.
Beer #404 of 3,652


Lost said...

You should buy a bottle of agave and give it a go. Looks like honey. It's a great all-natural alternative to sugar. I like putting it on berries, and I add it to my wife's margaritas instead of using triple sec.


Bard said...

No way. I'll have to try it. The funny thing is that the beer does not taste "sweetened" at all. I wish I bought more than one so I could try it again.

Just this morning I heard about Agave while I was watching the food network. Weird. Yeah, that's right, I watch the food network.

And Lost, we all know that you're a closet margarita drinker. They're not for your wife at all. Fess up.