Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Type of beer: Lager
Container Type: 500 mL bottle
Alcohol by volume: 5.0%
Country of origin: Bosnia
Rating: 52% (see below)
Number of times I've had this beer: 1st
Cost: $4.00
Tasted on: 7/31/09
Colours of label: Red/Gold/White
Drank From: Glass
Label Reads: "Keep in a dark place".
website: n/a
Best for: looking on the sunny side
Taste: 11/20
Flavour: 10/20
Buy again: 11/20
Aroma: 5/10
Satisfaction: 6/10
Complexity: 4/10
Intangible: 5/10

Handwritten notes: This beer has that Eastern European taste to it, coming straight out of Bosnia. That is, it’s grey and dismal. The beer itself is actually yellow, and the taste is a flat and constant drone with no nuances. This beer kind of just goes down like a steady drizzle onto the sterile concrete streets of Bosnia. Somewhere, far off, an old lady in a babushka paws through cabbages at a vegetable stand. Children run barefoot through the puddles, with juvenile disregard for while lies beneath the water. A young married couple begin to argue on a balcony above you. Will the rain ever stop? You hear the nervous bleat of lambs and goats, no doubt being led to slaughter. No one speaks of the bullet holes pock-marked on the stalwart buildings around you. The rumble of thunder. The squeals of children. The panic of livestock. Bosnia. So I says “Nektar? Damn near killed ‘er!”. Hahahaha!
Beer #251 of 3,652

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