Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bud Light

Bud Light
Type of beer: Light Lager
Container Type: 355 mL can
Alcohol by volume: 4.0%
Country of origin: USA/Canada
Rating: 1% (see below)
Number of times I've had this beer: 2 or 3
Cost: $1.50
Tasted on: 7/5/09
Colours of label: Blue/Silver/Red
Drank From: Fancy Glass
Label Reads: "Light Beer", "Brewed in Canada".
Best for: As part of a healthy breakfast
Taste: 0/20
Flavour: 1/20
Buy again: 0/20
Aroma: 0/10
Satisfaction: 0/10
Complexity: 0/10
Intangible: 0/10

Handwritten notes: This beer is better than PBR. Otherwise, I just don't get it. It's like when you see people laughing their heads off at "Two And a Half Men". I feel like an innocent infant who just doesn't understand the ways of the world and its grown-up masters. It would not be until I grew up that I realized that people like this beer because they have fallen victim to nazi-eque propaganda. I weep for them. But me, I'm just here for the Bud Light.
Beer #211 of 3,652


Anonymous said...

by the way...although bud light may be brewed in some parts of canada is definitely is not canadian in origin. neither is coors light. get your facts right and stop assuming your useless country has some role in the world economy.

Bard said...


BigFella said...

haha a American who is bitter because you have dissed there two favorite beers.