Sunday, May 10, 2009

Rickard's White

Rickard's White
Type of beer: White Beer
Container Type: 341 mL bottle
Alcohol volume: 5.4%
Country of origin: Canada
Rating: 70% (see below)
Number of times I've had this beer: 1st
Cost: $1.90
Tasted on: 8/5/09
Colours of label: White/Blue/Black
Drank From: Mug (no orange)
Label Reads: "Wheat Ale brewed with Orange Peel and Coriander"
Best for: Sunday brunches
Taste: 13/20
Flavour: 14/20
Buy again: 12/20
Aroma: 8/10
Satisfaction: 8/10
Complexity: 8/10
Intangible: 7/10
Handwritten notes: I was in the Dak looking for something to try, and one of these faux-hotties was enthusiastic upon my entrance, asking "are you buying Coors Light tonight?". There was a free baseball cap that read "Coors Light" if you bought a 2-4. The words of Superintendent Chalmers echoed in my head "why don't I just wear a sandwich board that reads: male prostitute?". I also wondered what her father had done to her to lead her into this line of work. Anyways, my answer to her query was "no", with a sarcastic chuckle. So I pulled this taster pack of Rickard's and she says "don't forget to buy oranges for the Rickard's White". Sure thing. ... this is a Canadian take on a White ale (like perhaps, the Canadian take on Pilsner?)... it tastes soapy... it has a murky look without the corresponding grittiness which makes me think they manufactured this appearance somehow... am I a cynic? Yes. .. hints of a field at night... I like two things: 1) it is trying, and thank the lord hey-zeus for that 2) it has a non-commercial taste... I praise attempts at quality, even by Molson-owned beer brands as fake as the lady who tried to sell me Coors light.
Beer #132 of 3,652

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