Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Pacifico Clara

Pacifico Clara
Type: cerveza
Container Type: 355 mL bottle
Alcohol volume: 4.6%
Country of origin: Mexico
Rating: 33% (see below)
Number of times I've had this type: first
Cost: $2.40
Tasted on: 3/27/09
Colours of bottle: Yellow/Gold/Red
Drank From: glass
Label Reads: "Imported Beer"
Best for: If you have a really bad cold and you can't taste anything and you're fucking delirious so you spend a bunch of money on a shit beer because the bottle looks neat.
Taste: 8/20
Flavour: 7/20
Buy again: 5/20
Aroma: 4/10
Satisfaction: 3/10
Intangible: 3/10
Complexity 3/10

Handwritten notes: smells like lime is already in it... musty smoky flavour... how the fuck is smoke refreshing? Who wants to drink a nice glass of Worchesterhsire sauce (hands up)?... trying more than Sol, but still not good.
Beer #36 of 3,652

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