Thursday, April 2, 2009

O'Hara's Irish Red

O'Hara's Irish Red
Type: Ale
Container Type: 500 mL bottle
Alcohol volume: 4.3%
Country of origin: Ireland
Rating: 88% (see below)
Number of times I've had this type: first
Cost: $4.40
Tasted on: 4/1/09
Colours of bottle: Maroon/Yellow
Drank From: Mug
Label Reads: "O'Hara's Red has a traditional hop flavour to balance a sweet malty caramel finish"
Best for: shomer shabbas
Taste: 18/20
Flavour: 19/20
Buy again: 17/20
Aroma: 8/10
Satisfaction: 9/10
Intangible: 9/10
Complexity 8/10

Handwritten notes: OH MY GOD... this is what dark ale should be... one of the best things I've ever had... wow... I like this more than the Marston's Oyster Stout which changed my life... This is why I do this, boys.
Beer #47 of 3,652

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