Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Labatt Blue

Labatt Blue
Type: It calls itself a pilsner
Container Type: 710 mL can
Alcohol volume: 5.0%
Country of origin: Canada
Rating: 21% (see below)
Number of times I've had this type: ugh
Cost: $3.10
Tasted on: 4/23/09
Colours of label: Blue/White/Red
Drank From: Can
Label Reads: "Canada's Pilsener".
Best for: Welfare cheque days
Taste: 4/20
Flavour: 4/20
Buy again: 3/20
Aroma: 2/10
Satisfaction: 3/10
Complexity: 2/10
Intangible: 3/10
Handwritten notes: A nice complex and full bodied pilsner with a host of intriguing flavours... no, can you imagine??? THIS SUCKS... If this is Pilsner I'll eat my hat and shit out gold coins... garbage!... the blue collar man's champagne. It has little or no difference from cheap beers like Lucky Lager but it costs more. "Honey, I got my yearly bonus and bought us a couple of Blue King Cans!". Revolting. You make me physically sick and John Labatt would be appalled. But, with this project I'm taking the good with the bad. And the terrible, I guess.
Beer #107 of 3,652


BigFella said...

Dude don't diss Blue so much. Like you this is what I "grew up on" it was a 12 of blue or a sixer of tallboys fuck ya that would do you in a night of playing drinking games.

Bard said...

Yeah I remember getting a 6 of tall boys for $10.90 from the Limelight Vendor and drinking them on the bleachers when I was like 21 and you were like 16. Chugging them and winging the cans onto the golf course.

Good memories. BAD BEER!

the said...

Glad to see you're reviewing the macros alongside the crafters. Just as it should be!