Sunday, April 19, 2009


Type: Ale
Container Type: 500 mL bottle
Alcohol volume: 5.2%
Country of origin: England
Rating: 73% (see below)
Number of times I've had this type: 1st
Cost: $3.60
Tasted on: 4/13/09
Colours of label: Blue/Yellow/Gold
Drank From: Big Mug (not pictured)
Label Reads: "Full bodied and well-balanced with a chocolate toffee malt flavour, moderate bitterness and a distinctive fruity character and ruby red glow."
Best for: Causing havoc
Taste: 13/20
Flavour: 14/20
Buy again: 13/20
Aroma: 7/10
Satisfaction: 8/10
Complexity: 9/10
Intangible: 8/10
Handwritten notes: Very fizzy but more light than I would have expected... a fine array of flavours... it is mischievous... I did not receive a free t-shirt with this beer.
Beer #99 of 3,652

1 comment:

BigFella said...

haha I got a free shirt AND a can that sits beside my bed holding my pocket change/coaster.