Friday, March 27, 2009


Amarit NB
Type: Lager
Container Type: 330 mL bottle
Alcohol volume: 5.0%
Country of origin: Thailand
Rating: 89% (see below)
Number of times I've had this type: first
Cost: $2.55
Tasted on: 3/27/09
Colours of bottle: Gold/White/Green
Drank From: glass
Label Reads: "Naturally Brewed". "Special Imported Lager"
website: none
Best for: adventures in the wilderness
Taste: 16/20
Flavour: 17/20
Buy again: 14/20
Aroma: 9/10
Satisfaction: 8/10
Intangible: 10/10
Complexity: 10/10
Handwritten notes: tonic water?... lemon/lime?... fruity... Ale-like flavour... unique and intriguing... really pops out at you.
Beer #27 of 3,652

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